SnapPic Collage_2019322232836726.jpgLovely Greetings to you from Love and You on Treasure Network.

Thank you for joining us on today’s edition,

In our previous edition we talked about “Motive” summarily we emphasized that we should not be in hurry to approach a lady or say yes to a guy, appearance most times is not reality, and if there must be a balance in appearance and reality then motives must be well examined.

Today we will be considering another aspect which is:

3. Lust of the flesh
This describes strong, excessive desire, or a bad appetite for sexual gratification. This has however pushed some people into relationship or courtship. Instead of using courtship to build and nurture friendship, commitment and enduring qualities like godly character, virtue, integrity and compatibility, they indulge in sexual pleasures (premarital sex inclusive).

Sex only cheapens a relationship and breeds suspicion, disappointment, sorrow, stress, emptiness and many other destructive emotions which leads to failure or unsuccessful relationships or marriages in most cases.

Most times when partners resort to sexual pleasures, uncontrolled appetite they open doors for unexpected and unnecessary circumstances, they become over protective, begins to have trust issues.
Because the relationship was built upon sexual pleasures, partner too tend to suspect their partners of indulging in same when ever in company of opposite sex.

I have heard someone during a relationship talk show say he decided to marry because he doesn’t want to fornicate, yeah, that maybe a fact to want to settle down but not a good and strong foundation.
Lust of the flesh must be dealt with before or in a relationship if the marriage must be firmly rooted. Because the differences between formication and adultery is certificate.

Yes sex matters a lot in marriage but it shouldn’t be a major reason for a particular mate selection. Funny as it may sound sexual hunger or pleasures in marriage reduces with time as couples advance in age.

So if while deciding to settle down you choose a particular person mainly because of sexual pleasure, then what will be happening during the period when the hunger for it is not there?

That’s it for today’s edition. Until we come your way same time next week.
Do have a lovely weekend.
Ocheh Emmanuel
Love and You on Treasure Network

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