EDUCATION: He is too critical! She is just outdated! “THINGS TO CHECK OR RESOLVE BEFORE MARRIAGE ” Part 6

EDUCATION He is too critical! She is just outdated! “THINGS TO CHECK OR RESOLVE BEFORE MARRIAGE ” Part 6 Hello Good morning Welcome back to another lovely edition on Love and You. We will round up the “educational” aspect of things to resolve before marriage today (Enjoy the ride) Am I comfortable with my partner’s…

Catalyst of the Week!

“When you make mistakes learn from them and don’t end with them!” As much as we try to be careful and diligent, some things happen atimes beyond our control and plan. Most often we call them mistakes and as you may have already known, mistakes come with pain so what should you do? It’s bad…

Catalyst Of The Week!

“Misdirected energies and passion is more expensive than wasted money” Some day you will certainly have to review your life either consciously or unconsciously, at that point one question becomes very cardinal and it’s the question of “whether it was worth it or not” Was the whole hussle and bussle worth it? Was the whole…

Catalyst Of the Week!

“Everybody can react to a situation; Only rare gems take time to evaluate and respond appropriately and rationally to the same situation.” It’s okay to be stressed and disappointed with some situations but what you do in the face of those situations will either save you further stress and disappointments or worsen the future. It’s…